Chef Trevor Hamilton C.C.C. Articles

Adopt A Ship Program
The Hamilton Spectator

The Hamilton District Society of Chefs & Cooks held an International Night at the Chamber of Commerce, with special guests, Bob Morrow, Senior Chief Mike Gratton of the U.S. Navy, and various Presidents of Regional Chaoters of Chefs & Cooks.  The evening featured a presentation of the Adopt A Ship Program in which the American navy develops the skills of its cooks by recruiting executive chefs from restaurants  through the United States and Canada.  The chefs are allowed to work aboard a ship for a minimum of two weeks and assume command of the galleys as they work side by side with Navy Mess Specialists.  Chef Trevor Hamilton of the Coach House at Dundurn Castle, was one of the first chefs inducted into the program.  He and several other programs participants are foregoing their salary, and paying their own way to and from San Francisco.

Adopt A Ship
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International Night
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Click here For Chef Trevor's recent article in most recent food magazine.

Click here for Messin' With the Best

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Christine Shandler serves h'ors d'ouevres to Mike Shapiro, executive Chef at The Sheraton Hotel, Michael Gratton, Sr. Chief with the U.S. Navy, and Trevor Hamilton Chef at the Coach House, at Dundurn Castle. Chris Cavalier of Burlington, left, and Montgomery Prior, of Toronto, participants of the U.S. Navy Adopt a Ship Program eyeball a photo of a ship where another recruit did a tour of duty.